According to Google define: "Wardriving is the term for finding and marking the locations and status of wireless networks. Wardrivers typically use software to determine whether the network is open or closed and a Global Position System device to record the location. A wardriver marks the spot either by using a symbol written in chalk on a building near the spot -- known as warchalking -- or mapping the locations and posting it on the Internet"
As you can see, the art of wardriving is a fairly simple process, only a few readily available pieces of equipment and software are needed.
*Graphing entries to a map is usually done post process, however, there are programs available that can actively graph during wardriving sessions, but it requires Mappoint as the mapping software which is many times more expensive than Streets&Trips.
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(click to enlarge), Map generated by WiGLE |
Total Points: 13,355
New Points in WiGLE: 9,008
As of 26 January 2008
Despite what recent news articles will lead you to believe, wardriving is NOT a crime. Wardriving is a hobby, much like stamp collecting. Some people collect stamps, others collect logs of wifi points. Wardrivers follow certain sets of rules and laws inorder to make sure that their activities remain legal. Mainly,
If you connect to a network, without permission, just to check your email, then you are a criminal. Even if your intents are not malicious in nature. To prevent your computer from connecting to a network, auto or otherwise, open up your network connections configuration and uncheck the TCP/IP option as shown.
From the NetStumbler readme file: In most places, it is illegal to use a network without permission from the owner. The definition of "use" is not entirely clear, but it definitely includes using someone else's internet connection or gathering information about what is on the network. It may include getting an IP address via DHCP. It may even include associating with the network.
Excerpt of an email from FBI Agent Bill Shore: Identifying the presence of a wireless network may not be a criminal violation, however, there may be criminal violations if the network is actually accessed including theft of services, interception of communications, misuse of computing resources, up to and including violations of the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Statute, Theft of Trade Secrets, and other federal violations.