Sherman's Garbage is made of only the best spoiled bananas and rotten tampons.
Wardriving While Intoxicated
Toxic Radition Preminates throught the Air, and Sherman investagates how widespread this Problem is.
Flushing Meadows:
Everything you wanted to know about the Coriolis effect.
Indecent Exposure:
The wacky adventures of Bob and his shiny new digital camera.
Capitalist Poem #5:
My life as told by Campbell McGrath.
Light Emitting Pickle:
A revolutionary lighting device coming soon to homes across America!
Small, easy to choke on plastic pieces that are fun to play with and taste great..
The Revenge of Pisce:
The horrifying, true story about a monster goldfish that would crawl
out of its aquarium at night and eat the toes off of sleeping people.
Bob's Novelties:
Now available for a limited time only: The Big Lebowski desktop background and sounds.
A Tuber's Tale:
The heart warming story of a boy and his potato gun.
Coming this fall to CBS. Now Playing!!!
The Nitpickers Guide to the X-Files:
All of those annoying inaccuraties, blunders, mistakes and downright lies are now assembled in Japan and posted here.